Right and effective social media prospecting is the foundation of profitable modern or 21st century network marketing! Once this important foundation is gotten wrong, every effort that follows only ends up dissatisfaction.
Therefore you must pay close attention and find out how many of them you are currently making. This is necessary in other to avoid them and see your network marketing or home business soar beyond your expectations.
Most online marketers, at one point or the other in their marketing journey must have made some or all of the mistakes. I made all of the mistakes myself in the weeks of network marketing blindness.
So like me, what if you find that you are making these mistakes that frustrate your recruiting efforts? Then you must stop them forthwith and have a desire to do the right thing.
The thought of making a mistake can paralyze so many people into doing nothing at all.
And that’s the beginning of a disaster for your business.
We all make mistakes. Mistakes are beneficial if we learn from them quickly and move on.
Hopefully by going through some of the common ones made, it will reduce the number of mistakes that you will make.
What you have to do is learn from it, mistakes will help us become better, it’s all an education.
Let’s dive head on into these mistakes which even the self acclaimed experts make.
Prospecting Mistake #1: Prospecting the wrong people
This is a huge one.
Prospecting the wrong people often ends up wasting your time and their time too.
Think of this way: if you are determined to marry a graduate, striking up friendship with a secondary school teenager may end up wasting your time as well as hers.
You can’t afford to hope you end up talking to the right people simply by accident.
There is need that you will be laser targeted in your approach, if you really want success.
Prospecting Mistake #2: Branding your company instead of yourself
This is a huge mistake more than 97% of network marketers make with zeal. Such marketers brand their companies and company products instead of branding themselves.
You are your business!
When you brand your company and for any reason you are no more with the company, you will suddenly realize that you have no business.
If your Facebook profile picture or the cover photo is displaying your company or its product, then you are a serious victim of this prospecting mistake.
You can choose to drift along continuing to do what doesn’t work and hope to stumble upon success. Or you can choose to become a super achiever by branding and building YOU so that you can build a lucrative network marketing empire.
Prospecting Mistake #3: Spamming on Social Media
Spamming on social media such as Facebook, twitter, instagram and other social media is terrible to say the least.
But what is spamming?
In case you don’t know what spam is then I’ll quickly tell you.
Social media spamming is the constant, annoying posts which say the same message over and over again and never seem to be talking to anyone.
Here is the Wikipedia definition of spamming:
Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site. … A person who creates spam is called a spammer.
You can look at it this way:
You are in your bedroom relaxing and suddenly a stranger busted into the room uninvited and without knocking. You are not likely to have any cordial relationship with such individual.
Social media is primarily designed for socializing. Spam is essentially not part of it.
Spamming often results in people removing you from the list of their friends. It can lead to blocking you as well. Even reporting you to the appropriate authority of the social media is not ruled out.
You do not want to get a bad name by pushing out spam. This will not help your reputation and brand as a online marketer.
Before posting anything, pause for a while and consider how you will feel with such post is coming from another person. Would it make you feel like you’re being advertised to by a complete stranger?
Would you be annoyed if you kept seeing such a post frequently?
If it annoys you, if it’s blatantly advertising at you, then it probably is spam and I would advise you not to post it.
Prospecting Mistake #4: Not having a voice of your own
Such people say the same thing as everyone else.
Why would anyone be interested in joining your team when everyone is saying exactly the same about their teams?
People who are successful stand out. They have a recognizable voice of their own.
They do things differently.
They have a clear message which doesn’t get drowned in the pool of identical messages.
Having the same texts and visuals of your marketing company as everyone else will not make you to stand out. It will rather put in the same pedestal as the multitude.
People become fatigue very quickly when they see the same texts and images.
Be unique with your messages and images. Building your own image library is not a big price to pay if you truly desire success.
Prospecting Mistake #5: Adding no Value
One of the social media prospecting mistakes many people make is not adding any value to their prospects.
If you don’t add value you’re going to have a hard time explaining what makes you different from the multitudes that mainly consume the value that “experts” contribute.
There has to be something that makes you stand out above the masses and above your competitors. What makes this glaring is the value that you add to the community.
Where and how can you add that value?
Perhaps you have weekly training webinars, or perhaps you can help with their first recruiting campaign.
It has to be something that you’re going to commit to, something that others will be attracted by.
Even being dependable is a value to many people so workout where you add value to the prospects.
Prospecting Mistake #6: Joining the wrong Facebook groups
There are so many Facebook groups and you have to work out which ones to join.
Lots of people make the mistake of joining groups where their ideal prospects and team recruits would never hang out.
For example, if you needed prospects or clients who are interested in travelling and vacation, it would not be very beneficial to join the travel industry groups.
A rewarding Facebook groups would be that of people planning holidays and sharing travel tips.
Prospecting Mistake #7: Your posts sound desperate
Posts on social media that sounds desperate are a complete turn off for most people. Do your posts sound desperate?
Who would want to work with somebody who sounds desperate?
People usually make a decision on how you make them feel, and if you sound desperate that’s not going to make anyone feel good. Many people already have a number of things bugging them and they usually would not want more dose of desperation.
Desperation is a complete turn off in social media.
Most people are rather on the lookout for things that make them feel inspired.
Sounding desperate is not part of what makes anyone feel inspired.
Prospecting Mistake #Bonus: Pestering People
This is a bonus point on the social media prospecting mistakes.
Messaging someone on every platform they’re on is pestering. This is slightly different from spamming because you majorly pester people that you know.
If you start sending messages to someone in every platform that the person is because he liked your picture that is pestering.
You may even go to the point of tagging them in your post or asking them to call you.
Do not pester people just because you know them. Or they will block you, un-friend you, un-follow you or even report you.
There you have it! 7 social media prospecting mistakes that most network marketers make which frustrate their recruiting effort.
How many of them are you guilty of?
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